Monthly Archives: November 2020


“Thailand is the land of Compromise” and “We love them all the same”, these are such beautiful words but #WhatsHappeningInThailand is far uglier than that 👇🏼 🚨 Violence and Injustice are imposed on those who just want to create a … Continue reading

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“ຣາຍຊື່ ແລະຣາຍຣະອຽດນັກໂທດການເມືອງທີຖືກຈັບໄປສຳມະນາທີ່ວຽງໄຊ”-ພາສາອັງກີດ

Posted on December 7, 2017 by Lao Gulag in Lao People Democratic Republic and its human rights abuse. When the Communist Pathet Lao took over Laos in 1975, thousands of Royal Lao Government officials, military, police officers, civil servants, students and ordinary Lao … Continue reading

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“ຣາຍຣະອຽດ ແລະຣາຍຊື່ນັກໂທດການເມືອງຂອງຝ່າຍພຮະຮາຊອານາຈັກລາວ ທີຖືກນຳໄປທໍຣະມານທີ່ສູນສຳມະນາທີ່ວຽງໄຊ ແລະໄດ້ເສັຍຊີວີດນະທີ່ນັ້ນ ຍ້ອນພັຍຄອມມຸນີສ”

Goulag Lao après les coups d’état des communistes lao “ Posted on December 7, 2017 by Lao Goulag Lao :Victimes du gouvernement de la république démocratique populaire Lao !! !! LA VERITE SUR LE CAMP-PRISON N°01 CAMP DE LA MORT … Continue reading

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